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Who is the Permit Issuing Agency (PIA) for regulated electrical and electronic equipment to be imported into Sabah?

ECoS is the PIA for regulated electrical and electronic equipment to be starting from 3 January 2024.

Who needs to apply for a Certificate of Registration (COR) and what are the applicable fees?

Importers of regulated electrical and electronic equipment are required to register themselves under ECoS by applying for a COR with fees as specified in Part XVIII, Second Schedule, Electricity Supply Regulations 2024

Who and when to apply for a Certificate of Approval (CoA) and what are the applicable fees?

Importers with a valid COR will then be required to apply for a CoA from ECoS, separately for each category and model of regulated electrical and electronic equipment with fees as specified in Part XVI, Second Schedule, Electrical Supply Regulations 2024

How to submit application for COR and CoA?

The dedicated online platform for the COR and CoA application currently in the development stage. As interim measures, importers can apply for COR and CoA by manually completing forms which can be downloaded here.

What is the role of SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd.?

SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. is the registered Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) under ECoS.  For more information on the services provided by them, please click here.

Where can I get more information regarding to the approval of electrical and electronic equipment?

For more information, please refer to the Guidelines for Approval of  Electrical Equipment which can be downloaded here or email your inquiries at