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The Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic System For Self Consumption Programme In Sabah (SELCO – PV SABAH) is a programme initiated by Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS) to allow consumers in Sabah to install solar PV system in their own premise via Self-consumption method. Self-consumption method is an indirect connection to the utility’s system, where the solar PV system is connected within the owner’s internal distribution board only. In SELCO - PV SABAH systems, the generated electricity is consumed on-site without exporting any excess energy to the grid.

By participating in this programme, consumers are able to generate their own electricity which in turn will lower their electricity bills from the utility, making them more self-reliant. Other than that, by installing Solar PV system at their own premise, they are promoting the use of clean energy which helps in reducing the use of fossil fuels which in turn helps in reducing global warming emissions.


SELCO-PV Sabah programme is initiated by ECoS to allow consumers to install solar PV system in their premise via self consumption.

What is the eligibility to apply for SELCO – PV SABAH?

Open to all consumer who has not installed any grid-connected solar PV installation under the previous solar PV programme such as Feed-in-Tariff (FiT).

How can I apply for SELCO – PV SABAH?

The interested consumer must engage an Electrical Contractor with Class PV (Grid Connected) or ECCPV (GC) to help design, install, test and commission the solar PV system. The ECCPV (GC) will be the party to submit the application on behalf of the consumer to ECoS. Submission of application can be made via Google Form (Application Form) which is also available in ECoS website

Do I need a licence to operate my SELCO-PV SABAH?

Yes, if your installation capacity is above 24kW for single phase or above 72kW for three phase. Upon successful completion of installation (and duly certified by competent person), you will need to apply for private installation licence via our ECoS Online Services available in our website at

How long does it take to approve the SELCO – PV SABAH Application?

Subject to completeness of documentation and information, the application will be approved by ECoS within 15 working days. A Permit to Install will be issued to the applicant.

How to appoint an Electrical Contractor with Class PV (Grid Connected)?

You can view the list of Electrical Contractor with Class PV (Grid Connected) list through “Licensee” menu at ECoS website It is advisable to consult several ECCPV (GC) to obtain the best offer to suit your requirements.

What is the minimum installed capacity?

No minimum installed capacity is imposed.

What is the maximum capacity I can install?

The maximum allowable installed capacity is 85% of the load demand of the premise. For example, if the maximum load demand is 1000kWac, then the maximum allowable installed capacity is 850kWac.

How can my solar PV system be financed?

There are a few options to finance the solar PV system:

  1. Self – Financing

By consumers own cash, credit card or loan from banks

  1. Power Purchase Agreement or Solar Leasing

Investors pay and install solar PV system upfront. Monthly payment back to investor by until cost of system is paid fully. (Be sure to seek advise from ECCPV(GC) on this matter)