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Gas Licence

Who should apply for gas license?

Any person who carry out the following activities shall apply for a gas license from Energy Commission:

a)  gas import into regasification terminal;

b)  regasification of gas;

c)  shipping of gas;

d)  transportation of gas;

e)  distribution of gas;

f)  retail of gas; or

g) use of gas.

What is gas import to regasification terminal activity?

Gas import to the regasification terminal is the activity of bringing or causing to be brought liquefied natural gas into or within Malaysia by any means other than by transhipment.

What is regasification activity?

Regasification is the activity of operating and maintaining a regasification terminal to regasify the liquefied natural gas into natural gas carried out by the regasification licensee at the regasification terminal and includes receiving, storing and after regasification, delivering the gas through the regasification terminal pipeline.

What is shipping of gas activity?

Shipping of gas is the activity of a shipping licensee making an arrangement with the regasification, transportation or distribution licensee for gas to be processed or delivered through a regasification terminal, transmission pipeline or distribution pipeline to consumers’ premises.

What is transportation of gas activity?

Transportation of gas is the activity carried out by a transportation licensee for the delivery of gas through the transmission pipeline under an arrangement with a shipping licensee.

What is distribution of gas activity?

Distribution activity is the activity carried out by a distribution licensee to operate and maintain the distribution pipeline to deliver gas through the distribution pipeline.

What is retail of gas activity?

Retail activity is the activity of sale or use of gas through the retail licensee’s piping system to consumers’ premises where the gas is either -

a)  received from a storage tank or cylinder on the retail licensee’s own property or premises of on the property or premises of the owner or occupier; or

b)  received through distribution pipelines.

What is use of gas activity?

Use of gas activity is the activity of using gas as a private gas licensee.

Who shall apply for license?
Gas Import to Regasification Terminal License Companies who carried out activity of bringing or causing to be brought LNG to regasification terminal.
Regasification License Owner of regasification terminal facilities.
Shipping License Companies who process and transport gas through Regasification Terminal, transmission pipeline or distribution pipeline.
Transportation License Owner of transmission pipeline
Distribution License Owner of distribution pipeline
Retail License Owner of piping system
Private Gas License Owner of piping system