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ECoS Assures Priority to Qualified Sabahans in Solar Energy Projects


KOTA KINABALU, 28 MAY 2024 - In response to the concerns raised in a press statement by SAPP president Datuk Yong Teck Lee regarding the proportion of non-Sabahan electrical contractors with class PV (grid-connected) registered with the Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS), the commission assures that the development of local expertise in the energy sector for Sabah remains a priority as aligned with the Sabah Energy Roadmap and Master Plan 2040 (SE-RAMP 2040) which was launched in September last year. ECoS CEO, Datuk Ir. Abdul Nasser Abdul Wahid stated, “We appreciate the concerns raised and we agree on the importance of local participation, hence the LSS-SABAH 2024 pre-requirement emphasises that interested bidders must be a Sabah-based company or aSabah Government-Linked Company (GLC); or a Consortium of Companies, where the equity ownership of the Sabah-based company or Sabah GLC within the consortium mustmeet the minimum requirement as stated in the bid document. In addition to that, bidderswho have more local content will be given merit points.” “With regards to the electrical contractor with class PV (grid-connected) which is required to be nominated by the bidder, we acknowledge that there is currently a lack of local
contractors which necessitated the opening of registration to non-Sabahan contractors.” “This was due to the lack of solar programmes in Sabah over the past few years,” he said,adding that the appointment of non-Sabahan contractors for the time being is crucial for thesuccessful implementation of solar programmes in Sabah to address the critical generation shortage. In the meantime, there are ongoing initiatives to increase local competent persons through establishing necessary solar training programs in Sabah by ECoS accredited training providers. “By doing this, alongside reviving the solar programmes in Sabah, we can increase the number of local electrical contractors with class PV (grid-connected) in Sabah, and at the same time, provide employment opportunities to local competent persons.” “While ECoS, as the State regulator, prioritises local participation, it is also important that we maintain the standard of safety and quality as well as competitiveness in the energy industry to safeguard the state and public interests,” he ended.

About ECoS
The Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS) is a statutory body established by the State Government of Sabah since 10th
January 2023. It operates as the regulator for the energy sector within the Chief Minister's portfolio. The primary objectives of
ECoS are to ensure secure, sustainable, affordable, and accessible energy for the State of Sabah. ECoS plays a pivotal role in
shaping Sabah’s energy landscape, promoting responsible energy practices, and safeguarding the interests of both consumers
and the environment.
