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KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Legislative Assembly passed three Bills Thursday.

The Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Enactment 2024 and Energy Commission of Sabah Enactment (Amendment No. 2) 2024 were tabled by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor and Datuk Abidin Madingkir.

State Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Ariffin Arif tabled the third Bill, the Syariah Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Enactment 2024.

The Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Enactment 2024 would ensure Sabah’s ocean treasures and its huge potential can be explored and exploited in an orderly and planned manner.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor who tabled the Bill said it is necessary for the State Government through the Sabah Energy Commission (ECoS) to regulate ocean thermal energy on its exploration, development, construction and operations.


It is also to ensure ocean thermal energy conversion activities in Sabah waters can be started and used in parallel with the Sabah Blue Economic Plan and the Sabah Energy Roadmap and Master Plan 2040 (SE-RAMP 2040). 

“There are many renewable energy sources that are unique in Sabah but have yet to be explored in depth and exploited.

“Among others, wind energy, geothermal energy, pumped storage hydropower and energy from the ocean in particular Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (Otec) which is a renewable energy technology. 

“Otec technology can produce electricity by using the difference between the hot sea surface temperature and the cold seabed temperature in a continuous cycle process (closed loop system). 

This technology has been in use for 10 years in Japan and nine years in the US on a small scale. 

“Several other countries have also shown interest in developing Otec, including Indonesia, Philippines and India, taking into account the appropriate location of Otec development in their respective waters,” he said.

Hajiji said Sabah waters have been identified as having the potential to generate electricity up to 20,000MW, based on preliminary studies that have been carried out by the UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre, Malaysia. 

Therefore, with the combination of abundant sources of electricity and vast sources of ocean water, it would enable the production of several high-value products and the main one is green hydrogen (green hydrogen) with a maximum potential of 3.5 million metric tons per year which will open opportunities for a new economy in Sabah. 

In addition, other products such as mineral water, raw water and marine products would also be produced through this technology and at the same time provide the benefits of providing basic infrastructure and local industry to rural residents, especially in the surrounding islands.

Hajiji said this would also make Sabah a leader in Otec development in the region, taking into account the highest Otec potential in the country, which is more than 75pc located in Sabah.

This Bill would involve the State government extra financial expenditure, the amount of which cannot at present be ascertained.

The Ocean Heat Energy Conversion Bill 2024 contains seven Sections and 37 Clauses.

The Energy Commission of Sabah (Amendment) (No.2) Enactment 2024 will serve to regulate Otec.

Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Abidin Madingkir who tabled the Bill said it aimed to amend Section 2 of the Enactment to include “ocean thermal” as one of the renewable energy sources.

“I believe that ECoS, which has been equipped with relevant technical staff with experience can ensure the development of this ocean heat energy conversion is carried out smoothly and efficiently.

“In addition, the orderly and controlled development of Otec in terms of governance by a trusted and integrated regulatory body (EcOS) will give confidence to local and foreign investors to participate in development of this ocean thermal energy technology which is spearheaded in Sabah,” he said.

Otec is expected to create more job opportunities for local residents and to be managed by those skilled in the field.

Meanwhile, Ariffin said the Syariah Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Enactment Bill revises three clauses.

“Clause 1 includes the short title and commencement date of the proposed enactment, while Clause 2 introduces a new Section 63A granting religious enforcement officers access to computerised data, regardless of storage medium.

“Clause 3 amends Section 79 of the enactment to specify that in cases involving offences related to electronic publication, the place of publication is where the material is seen, heard, or read by any individual,” he explained.