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Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS) telah melancarkan program “SELCO-PV SABAH” melalui penerbitan garis panduan di laman web ECoS iaitu "Guidelines on Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic System for Self-Consumption in Sabah (SELCO-PV SABAH)". Program ini telah dimaklumkan kepada media oleh Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif ECoS, Datuk Ir. Abdul Nasser bin Abdul Wahid.

Beliau memaklumkan bahawa program SELCO-PV SABAH ini bertujuan untuk menggalakkan penggunaan Solar PV, iaitu suatu sumber tenaga boleh baharu yang membolehkan pengguna elektrik menjana tenaga melalui sistem Solar PV terutamanya pada struktur bumbung premis bangunan masing-masing untuk kegunaan sendiri dan secara langsung akan mengurangkan penggunaan elektrik daripada utiliti, justeru itu menghasilkan penjimatan pada bil elektrik dan pengurangan jejak karbon. 

Beliau menambah, pelaksanaan SELCO-PV SABAH secara meluas ini juga akan mengurangkan beban puncak pada grid dan memberikan kelegaan kepada margin rizab penjanaan yang kini sedang berada di tahap yang tidak mencukupi terutamanya pada waktu beban puncak pada siang hari iaitu antara jam 11 pagi sehingga jam 4 petang. 

Beliau juga menjelaskan bahawa perlaksanaan SELCO-PV SABAH dijangka akan dapat meningkatkan campuran penjanaan tenaga boleh baharu di Sabah yang kini berada pada tahap 7%. Langkah ini adalah merupakan salah satu inisiatif di bawah Pelan Induk Tenaga di Sabah iaitu Sabah Energy Roadmap and Masterplan 2040 (SE-RAMP 2040) yang telah dilancarkan pada bulan September tahun lalu.

Beliau seterusnya memaklumkan bahawa selain daripada garispanduan ini, para pemohon boleh merujuk kepada “Soalan-soalan Lazim” yang disediakan di laman web ECoS. Sebarang pertanyaan lanjut mengenai SELCO-PV SABAH boleh dibuat kepada pihak ECoS melalui email dan permohonan dibuat secara atas talian melalui pautan yang disediakan di laman web ECoS.


Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS) has launched the “SELCO-PV SABAH” program through the publication of guidelines on the ECoS website namely “Guidelines on Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic System for Self-Consumption in Sabah (SELCO-PV SABAH)”. This program was announced to the media by Chief Executive Officer of ECoS, Datuk Ir. Abdul Nasser bin Abdul Wahid.

He informed that the SELCO-PV SABAH programme aims to encourage the use of Solar PV, a renewable energy source that allows electricity users to generate electricity for their own use through Solar PV systems installed mainly on the roof structure of their respective buildings. This will help reduce their electricity consumption from the grid resulting in savings in electricity bills and reduction of carbon footprint.

He added that the widespread implementation of SELCO-PV SABAH is expected to reduce the peak load on the grid and provide relief to the generation reserve margin which is inadequate currently, especially during the day where the high load demand occurs between 11am to 4pm. 

He also explained that the implementation of SELCO-PV SABAH is expected to increase the mix of renewable energy generation in Sabah which is currently at 7%. This initiative aligns with the Sabah Energy Roadmap and Masterplan 2040 (SE-RAMP 2040), launched in September last year.

He further informed that apart from these guidelines, applicants can refer to the "Frequently Asked Questions" provided on the ECoS website. Interested parties can make inquiries and apply to participate in the SELCO-PV SABAH program by reaching out to ECoS through email at and application can be made online via the link provided in ECoS website.

